UIST 2013 |
Video Collections in Panoramic Contexts |
James Tompkin | Fabrizio Pece | Rajvi Shah | Shahram Izadi | Jan Kautz | Christian Theobalt |
MPI für Informatik | University College London | Intel VCI | IIIT Hyderabad | Microsoft Research |
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Abstract | |
Video collections of places show contrasts and changes in our world, but current interfaces to video collections make it hard
for users to explore these changes. Recent state-of-the-art interfaces attempt to solve this problem for ‘outside->in’ collections,
but cannot connect ‘inside->out’ collections of the same place which do not visually overlap. We extend the focus+context paradigm
to create a video-collections+context interface by embedding videos into a panorama. We build a spatio-temporal index and tools for
fast exploration of the space and time of the video collection. We demonstrate the flexibility of our representation with interfaces
for desktop and mobile flat displays, and for a spherical display with joypad and tablet controllers. We study with users the effect of
our video-collection+context system to spatio-temporal localization tasks, and find significant improvements to accuracy
and completion time in visual search tasks compared to existing systems. We measure the usability of our interface
with System Usability Scale (SUS) and task-specific questionnaires, and find our system scores higher.
@inproceedings{Tompkin:2013:UIST |
Supplemental Video MP4 (80 MB) | YouTube |