This data contains the multi-view images and corresponding reconstruction results using the method described in the following paper: Chenglei Wu, Bennett Wilburn, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Christian Theobalt, "High-quality shape from multi-view stereo and shading under general illumination", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 969-976, 2011. The format of the calibration file is described as follows: ############################################# 0 //camera index 5480.633301 -2.845523 292.559967 ==== 0.000000 5474.699707 -168.500000 || Intrinsic parameters 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ==== -0.257786 3.491650 //distortion params -0.060836 -0.998140 -0.004013 4.230760 === -0.400764 0.028108 -0.915750 0.973020 ||extrinsic parameters 0.914159 -0.054102 -0.401728 69.379204 === ############################################## If you use this data, please cite our paper. This data is only for research purpose. Please contact chenglei at mpii dot de if you are interested in using the data commercially.