\ Computer Vision for Computer Graphics – Summer Semester 2015
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Computer Vision for Computer Graphics

Seminar – Summer Semester 2015

Organizers: Christian Theobalt, Christian Richardt

Organisation  |  Topics  |  Format  |  Format (Detail)  |  Resources

Real-time Shading-based Refinement for Consumer Depth Cameras
(Wu et al., SIGGRAPH Asia 2014)


If have questions about this seminar, please contact Christian Richardtrichardt (at) mpi-inf.mpg.de.


This seminar is aimed at graduate students in computer science or related fields.
As such, we require you to have basic knowledge in either 3D geometry, computer vision, image processing, or computer graphics.

To register, email richardt (at) mpi-inf.mpg.de with your name, matriculation number, current semester, and knowledge in this field (typically, courses taken).

Please note that the number of available presentation slots is limited to 11. These will be allocated in first-come, first-served fashion after the presentation of topics (23 April).


Time: Thursdays, 14:15 – 16:00
Room: Building E1 4 (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik), Room 021.
23 April: Presentation of topics [ PDF slides (4 MB) ]
This is compulsory for all participants.
You will rank your three favourite topics and we will assign topics to each participant within one week.
30 April: Classroom lectures:
"How to read an academic paper" [ PDF slides (8 MB) ]
"How to give a good talk" [ PDF slides (1 MB) ]
7 May: Example conference presentation (to be confirmed)
21 May –
30 July (approx.):
Seminar talks by participants, one per week.
Attendance is compulsory and will be marked.
27 August: Report due.