Logos of the MPI Informatik and the Graphics, Vision and Video group Graphics, Vision and Video Group Max Planck Institute for Informatics

3D Shape Analysis

Seminar – Summer Semester 2018

Organisers: Florian Bernard, Christian Theobalt

Organisation  |  Topics  |  Format  |  Format (Detail)  |  Resources

Point Registration via Efficient Convex Relaxation (Maron et al., SIGGRAPH 2016)
Point Registration via Efficient Convex Relaxation
(Maron et al., SIGGRAPH 2016)


If have questions about this seminar, please contact us at sa-seminar@lists.mpi-inf.mpg.de.

Necessary Prerequisites:

This seminar is aimed at graduate students in computer science, or related fields.

As such, knowledge of at least one of the following topics is essential: convex/non-convex optimisation, 3D geometry, computer vision, image processing, or computer graphics.

Moreover, a solid background in linear algebra and calculus is expected.


To register your interest, email sa-seminar@lists.mpi-inf.mpg.de with your name, matriculation number, current semester, and knowledge in this field (courses taken, projects, theses etc.).

Please note that the number of available presentation slots is limited to 10. These slots will be allocated in first-come, first-served fashion after the presentation of topics. Also, this seminar will only take place if at least 8 participants have registered.


Time: Thursdays, 14:15 – 16:00
Location: Building E1 4 (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik), Rooms 019/021.
12 April 10 April: Presentation of topics (16:15-18:00, room 019). This is compulsory for all participants.
You will rank your three favourite topics and we will assign topics to each participant within one week.
19 April: Classroom lectures (room 019).
announcement slides

"How to read an academic paper" slides
"How to give a good talk" slides
03 May - 19 July: Seminar talks by participants, one per week (room 021).
Attendance is compulsory and will be marked.
16 August: Report due.