Face X-ray for More General Face Forgery Detection (ArXiv, 2019)
Differentiable Volumetric Rendering: Learning Implicit 3D Representations without 3D Supervision (ArXiv, 2019)
Format of the seminar (summary)
Each week:
Before the seminar:
Read the topic papers and think about them.
Submit at least two questions for discussion before the seminar to golyanik@mpi-inf.mpg.de. This is important – your contribution will be marked.
During the seminar:
Presentation (40 minutes, 30% of grade):
One pre-assigned participant presents on a topic of their choice.
Brief review of the previous week’s topic, finding themes that join the two weeks.
~5 minutes on motivation, background and related work.
~25 minutes of presentation of the two papers, focusing on the common links between the papers.
Discussion (40–45 minutes, 30% of grade across weeks):
One person is assigned at random at the beginning of the seminar to lead the discussion. Everybody leads discussion at least once in the seminar series.
The discussion leader receives a digest of the submitted questions just before the seminar.
The discussion leader raises questions appropriately throughout the discussion, covers future work aspects, and finally provides a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the techniques and of the discipline.
Feedback (5–10 minutes, ungraded):
The students provide feedback to the presenting student on their presentation with respect to what has worked well, and what could be improved and how.
The topic supervisor and/or seminar organisers will provide additional feedback privately after the seminar.
After the seminar series:
Written report on your topic (40% of grade):
3–4 pages on the two papers.
2–3 pages on improvements and your own ideas.
Include 3–4 additional references to ‘round out’ the topic and further your own ideas.