Most Recent
- SS 2016 Ringvorlesung Bachelor + MINT, Saarland University
- User-Centric Computational Videography: Course at SIGGRAPH 2015 by Christian Richardt, James Tompkin, Jiamin Bai and Christian Theobalt.
- WS 2011/2012 -
Capturing Reality - 3D Reconstruction of Real-world Scenes
- WS 2011/2012 -
Ringvorlesung Perspektiven der Informatik
- Perspektiven der Informatik WS 2010/2011, Saarland University - Markerlose Bewegungsmessung
(PDF - coming soon)
- Invited tutorial, Marker-less Dynamic Scene Reconstruction, 2011 Fall Presentations, University of Siegen.
- Organizer of course
New Trends in 3D Video at EUROGRAPHICS 2007, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Lecturer in
Video-based Rendering course at SIGGRAPH 2005, together with Marcus Magnor,
Marc Pollefeys, Woijciek Matusik and German Cheung.
- Computer Graphics II lecture, Univeristy of Saarland, summer term 2002 - subject:
Human Motion Capture.
Computer Graphics I lecture, University of Saarland, winter term 2001/2002 -
teaching assistant.
- SS 2019:
Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Computer Graphics (NEW!!), Saarland University.
- SS 2016:
Computer Vision for Computer Graphics, Saarland University.
- SS 2015:
Computer Vision for Computer Graphics, Saarland University.
- SS 2014:
Computer Vision for Computer Graphics, Saarland University.
- SS 2013:
Computer Vision for Computer Graphics, Saarland University.
- SS 2012:
Graphics, Vision and Video – Interdisciplinary Topics in Visual Computing, Saarland University.
- SS 2011:
Computer Vision for Computer Graphics, Saarland University.
- WS 2009/2010:
Computational Photography and Videography (together with Ivo Ihrke), Saarland University.
- Organizer of GRAI - Graphics
meets AI , Stanford University.
- WS 2005/2006:
Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics, Saarland University.
- WS 2003/2004:
Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics, Saarland University.
- SS 2003:
Computer Graphics Seminar, Saarland University.
- WS 2002/2003:
Computer Graphics Seminar, Saarland University.