Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
Research |
Free-viewpoint and 3D Video • Marker-less Optical Motion Capture • 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis • Image-based Rendering • Virtual and Augmented Reality • Time-of-Flight Imaging • Dynamic Scene Reconstruction • 3D Computer Vision • Physically-based Rendering • Interaction • Machine Learning for Vision / Graphics |
![]() GVV group in April 2018 |
Spotlight |
06/2021 4 papers accepted to SIGGRAPH 2021.
03/2021 Christian Theobalt accepted the offer to become a Scientific Director at MPI for Informatics where he will establish a new Department working at the intersection of Graphics, Vision and AI.
03/2021 8 papers accepted to CVPR 2021, including 2 orals.
11/2020 3 paper accepted to 3D Vision 2020.
10/2020 2 paper accepted to NeurIPS 2020.
09/2020 5 papers accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia.
08/2020 Our work presented at ECCV 2020 was featured on the ECCV Daily.
08/2020 9 papers accepted at ECCV 2020, including 1 oral and 1 spotlight.
06/2020 Our paper DeepCap received the CVPR 2020 Best Student Paper Award Honorable Mention (video) 05/2020 Christian Theobalt receives EUROGRAPHICS Outstanding Technical Contributions Award. 04/2020 2 papers accepted at SIGGRAPH 2020. 04/2020 1 STAR report accepted at Eurographics 2020. 03/2020 8 papers accepted at CVPR 2020, including 3 orals. 09/2019 1 paper accepted at SIGGRAPH Asia 2019. 07/2019 Mo2Cap2: Real-time Mobile 3D Motion Capture with a Cap-mounted Fisheye Camera received the Best Journal Paper Honorable Mention at IEEE TVCG Proc. VR 2019. 04/2019 5 papers presented at SIGGRAPH 2019: Three papers accepted to SIGGRAPH 2019, two additional TOG papers will be presented. 02/2019 5 papers accepted to CVPR 2019, including 3 orals. 12/2018 The Chinese Olympic Team uses the marker-less motion capture system of our spin-off the Captury to prepare for the next Olympics in Tokyo. See shot put champion Chen Xiaodong being captured in action. 10/2018 FingerInput: Capturing Expressive Single-Hand Thumb-to-Finger Microgestures for On-Skin Input received the Best Academic Paper Award at the ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS) 2018. 10/2018 1 paper accepted to TPAMI. High-Fidelity Monocular Face Reconstruction based on an Unsupervised Model-based Face Autoencoder 10/2018 1 paper accepted to GCPR 2018. 10/2018 1 paper accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2018. CurveFusion: Reconstructing Thin Structures from RGBD Sequences 10/2018 3 papers accepted to 3DV 2018. 07/2018 1 paper accepted to ECCV. A Hybrid Model for Identity Obfuscation by Face Replacement 04/2018 2 papers (+3 ACM TOG papers) accepted to SIGGRAPH. Deep Video Portraits and HeadOn: Real-time Reenactment of Human Portrait Videos 04/2018 Pablo Garrido won the Eurographics annual award for best PhD thesis (Pic). 02/2018 6 papers accepted to CVPR. More infos coming soon. 02/2018 2 STAR reports accepted to EUROGRAPHICS 2018. 02/2018 3 papers accepted to ACM TOG and will be presented at SIGGRAPH. 12/2017 Our work on Real-time Hand Tracking under Occlusion from an Egocentric RGB-D Sensor won the best poster award at The 3rd Workshop on Observing and Understanding Hands in Action (HANDS 2017) . 12/2017 Christian Theobalt received the Karl Heinz Beckurts Award 2017 (Video). 11/2017 Christian Theobalt received his second ERC Grant, the ERC Consolidator Grant 4DRepLy. 11/2017 Marc Habermann won the Günter-Hotz-Medal for the best Master graduates in Computer Science. 11/2017 Dushyant Mehta and Christian Theobalt presented some of the group's works at the European Space Agency event with astronaut Matthias Maurer organized by the University of Saarland. [pic1], [pic2] 08/2017 Two papers accepted to ICCV 2017. Real-time Hand Tracking under Occlusion from an Egocentric RGB-D Sensor and MoFA:Model-based Deep Convolutional Face Autoencoder for Unsupervised Monocular Reconstruction. 07/2017 One paper accepted to ISMAR 2017. Live User-Guided Intrinsic Video For Static Scenes 07/2017 Two papers accepted to SIGGRAPH 2017. BundleFusion: Real-time Globally Consistent 3D Reconstruction using Online Surface Re-integration and VNect: Real-time 3D Human Pose Estimation with a Single RGB Camera 05/2017 Check out our PhD and Postdoc position openings here. 04/2017 Franziska Mueller is a recipient of the 2017 Google PhD Fellowship, which was covered by the local TV station. 03/2017 We are offering the Computer Vision for Computer Graphics seminar this semester. 02/2017 Franziska Mueller won one of the Frauen MINT Awards for her Master thesis on "Real-Time Hand-Object Tracking Using a Single Depth Camera". [pic1], [pic2], [pic3] 01/2017 Christian Theobalt presented the group's work to Chancellor Angela Merkel, Federal Minister Johanna Wanka, and Federel Secretary Rainer Sontowski during the the Perlen der Forschung Event in the Harnack Haus in Berlin. More information can be found on the website of the German government. [link1], [link2]. Pictures: [pic1], [pic2] 12/2016 Franziska won the Günter-Hotz-Medal for the best Master graduates in Computer Science, and the "Erich-Ferdinand-Bläse-Stiftung für Forschung und Wissenschaft" award for the best Master thesis in the Faculty of Math and Computer Science. [pic1] [pic2] 11/2016 TV Report covers our work on faces. 11/2016 We are presenting our work on Real-time Dense Monocular Face Tracking of a Driver at the National IT Summit 2016 [pic1] [pic2] [pic3] 11/2016 Busy Beaver Award for Best Teaching (Seminar Computer Vision for Computer Graphics, SS2016) 10/2016 New papers at SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 and 3DV 2016. 07/2016 Best of Show Award at Emerging Technologies of SIGGRAPH 2016 for our Demo on Face2Face (link). 07/2016 Three papers accepted for ECCV2016. Details coming soon 07/2016 We demonstrated our face2face project at the popular Jimmy Kimmel Live show. 04/2016 Our work on Live Intrinsic Video will be presented at SIGGRAPH 2016. 04/2016 New paper accepted to TPAMI. Details coming soon. 04/2016 New papers at CVPR 2016, SIGGRAPH 2016, and on arXiv. 02/2016 New paper accepted to ACM Transactions on Graphics, to be presented at SIGGRAPH 2016: "Reconstruction of Personalized 3D Face Rigs from Monocular Video". 03/2015 Our book Digital Representations of the Real World: How to Capture, Model, and Render Visual Reality by CRC Press that is edited by M. Magnor, O. Sorkine, O. Grau and C. Theobalt can be pre-ordered. 03/2015 Four papers accepted to CVPR 2015. 12/2014 Christian will be one of the Program Chairs of 3DV in Lyon, together with Jana Kosecka and Michael Brown. 12/2014 Our paper VDub Modifying Face Video of Actors for Plausible Visual Alignment to a Dubbed Audio Track will be presented at EUROGRAPHICS 2015, project page. 12/2014 Our paper on Investigating the Dexterity of Multi-Finger Input for Mid-Air Text Entry was accepted to ACM CHI 2015, project page. 09/2014 Two papers accepted to 3DV 2014. 09/2014 Our work on Real-time Shading-based Refinement for Consumer Depth Cameras was accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2014, project page. 09/2014 Our work on Outdoor Human Motion Capture by Simultaneous Optimization of Pose and Camera Parameters was accepted to Computer Graphics Forum 2014, project page. 06/2014 Our work on Real-time Non-rigid Reconstruction using an RGB-D Camera was accepted to SIGGRAPH 2014, project page. 06/2014 Our work on Automatic Face Reenactment was accepted to CVPR 2014, project page. --> |
Supported by ERC Starting Grant CapReal and Consolidator Grant 4DRepLy |
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Check out the GVV spin-off |
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